Paper Submission

Initial Paper Submission

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another conference or journal. Completed manuscripts must be electronically submitted through EasyChair via this link. When submitting your paper, please choose the most related track to your paper.

IEEE SOLI 2023 Submission Policies:

  • Paper size: the paper size for submission must be US Letter.
  • Paper format: two-column format in the IEEE style is required.
  • Page limit: submitted manuscripts should be 6 to 8 pages in IEEE two-column format, including figures, tables, and references.
  • Templates: please use the templates at Manuscript Templates for IEEE Conference Proceedings  to prepare your paper.
  • Tracks: The topics of interest of IEEE SOLI 2024 are categorized into six main tracks. Please choose the most relevant track to your paper when submitting your manuscript.
  • PDF file: A manuscript file needs to be converted into its PDF version for submission.
  • Registration policy: ONE registration for ONE paper.

Final Paper Submission

Accepted papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, unless otherwise stated by the author. Authors are invited to submit their accepted paper in PDF format through the  IEEE PDF eXpress® system (see the details below) by 25 November 2023 at the latest.

Format the final version of your paper

Please read the reviews and follow the reviewers’ recommendations for revising your final paper. To guarantee good quality proceedings contents, your paper must comply with the IEEE SOLI 2023 paper specifications, in particular:

  1. DO NOT page number your manuscript.
  2. DO NOT apply security settings to your PDF file.

Use of PDF eXpress®

To publish papers in IEEE Xplore, it is mandatory to check compliance of the manuscript files using the PDF eXpress® tool. Please use this tool to check your paper and directly upload the eXpress® generated PDF to the publisher. To do so, please follow the steps and  instructions provided at IEEE PDF eXpress®. Please note that the Conference ID is 60636X. After the compliance check is passed, please do not forget to click the “Approve” button (the second icon under the “Action” column) to submit the generated PDF to the publisher.

Be aware that creating an IEEE PDF eXpress® account and converting or checking the source file may take some time and should not be done at the last minute.


To transfer ownership rights of the intellectual property to IEEE, authors need to sign the electronic IEEE Copyright Form (eCF). To do so, IEEE will directly contact the corresponding authors with the relevant instructions. Please note that printable copies of the IEEE Copyright Form in PDF or DOC formats are no longer available. IEEE accepts only the eCF.